vintage handkerchiefs. i have always loved them. dishtowels, handkerchiefs, aprons. i love them all.
but i especially love how you spell handkerchiefs, as opposed to saying it.
try it. spelling first:
hand ker chiefs
now say it:
hank r chiffs
just funny, the english language. no wonder its so hard for people to master it.
i digress.
i found some cute handkerchiefs on a darling website i thought i would share:
they are definitely not for blowing your nose!
more of the frameable type.
i especially love the state handkerchiefs.
oklahoma is OK!
and check out this sooner state version:
there's tons of states there. and in a bevy of colors.
here's texas:
but they don't just have handkerchiefs on this site. there are christmas decorations (my fave), jewelry, household items, etc.
you can order online and they are in kentucky.
here are a few more states:
go check out this super cute website!
and if you know any other great sites for hanky's, let this ole southern gal know!